I haven't tried on my MacBook Pro yet (that one has USB C and connecting to hard drives has been spotty on it), but the GW-60 is working very reliably on my old iMac.
I made a quick bash shell alias to copy the file from the device to a folder on my Dropbox. Maybe some of you will find this useful (add this line to your .profile file, open a terminal window and use the gw60copy to copy the file - remember to edit the target path to your liking, as you probably don't keep you log files in the same path as I do):
alias gw60copy='cp /Volumes/LOCOSYS_MSC/GPSLOG.SBP ~/Dropbox/ipad/GPSLogs/`date -r /Volumes/LOCOSYS_MSC/GPSLOG.SBP "+%Y-%m-%d-%H%M.SBP"`'
I noticed that if I just use the Finder to copy the file, the copy is actually locked, which means it can't be renamed unless I unlock it first. The files copied with the above alias are not locked and they are named based on the modification date and time of the file, so you get a unique filename for each log automatically.