
Being a newbie to this platform apparently when registering I did't added all data correctly.

Now I'm at my personal data in the wrong age group and the wrong home spot nor can I upload a picture for my own personal profile. The rest works adding equipment etc. Now issues at all.

I've tried to change this in iOS phone and iPad with safari and edge, all went well to update on the screen however the top bar in the screen chaged. It no longer shows anything else than logos and the drop-down is not working. Even when login off and log in again still the old wrong data. Waiting for a possible server update the next day or week no luck still the old wrong data.

What is the correct process to update personal data (DOB, homespot, profile picture) in your own profiel?

BTW I still don't get it on the 500m Alpha speed calculations; 500m both ways or 500m in total?

Best regards, Fr@nk

Hi Frank,

Most easy way is to sent an email to , this forum is mainly used for announcements and not for reporting individual issues. 

GP3S Crew