
I cant acces the file splitter:

Error loading usercontrol mygps.aspx my/mytracksplitter.ascx

Hi, this feature is no longer needed, the new webuploader will split the tracks also....

I know, but I want to split the tracks anyway, if splitted in GPSAR there is only the possibility to save them as .gpx, not as .sbp, so if this splitter is no longer supported, thats regrettable.

There is still the commitment to keep your files, better is to store a single file for a given date, no merged file with several sessions.

Hope this makes (some) sense.

Hi Patrick, thnx for feedback, the splitter software is not developed by GP3S, and is still available at the Locosys website as a solitair application that you can run on any windows machine. We will take a look anyway, maybe it's just a quick fix to solve the issue...

For me it's fine with the Locosys app. 

Tnx for this feedback.



ik heb eindelijk mn gw60 kunnen koppelen op gps3 alleen het uploaden duurt erg lang nu al 45 min  

hoe kan ik mn verwijderen tijdens het uploa